Messages in this group were presented independently from other message series.
In Matthew 28, Jesus commands believers to go and make disciples of all nations! Join us as Pastor Jacob teaches on the importance of both being mentored, and mentoring those who are younger in the faith. Discipleship is not optional, so who in your life can you help grow closer to Christ?
Everything was made by God, through the power of His voice. Without proper understanding of the story of the Bible, we are unable to see the need for Christ's death on the cross. Join Pastor Jacob Bauder as we go from Genesis to Revelation, looking into what will be covered in VBS this week. We are imperfect and sinful people, before a perfect and Almighty God, but once saved, you are no longer defined by your mistakes, but by your faith.
As Christians, we are called to be ready to preach the word both in and out of season. Join Pastor Jacob Bauder as we learn from 2nd Timothy 3-4, on how to understand and share the word of God. We will also look at what it means to reprove, rebuke, and exhort through the word of God, and the importance of equipping yourself so you can equip others.
We cannot follow Jesus while still trying to hold onto our sins or idols. You cannot walk into the light and go into the darkness at the same time. Join Pastor Jacob Bauder as we investigate passages from Luke 5, where Jesus tells the fishermen to follow me and leave your nets behind! Ask yourself, what are your nets?
Rejoice! As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! Join Pastor Brian Pursley as we tell the story of Jesus birth starting in Luke Chapter 1. Remember that your savior understands when you are troubled, pushed away, and feel lost. You are not alone, and will not suffer alone. Take time and rejoice!
Watch as guest speaker Glen Herschberger talks about what it means to show God's love, how to be Jesus in someone's life, and what it means to share your faith.
Watch as Brian Pursley takes us through Matthew 1-2 this year on Christmas Eve showing how God is with us through everything, and why Christ is called Emmanuel, God with us.
Watch as Gordie Krogh challenges us to forget what is behind us in our past and focus on following Jesus from Philippians 3.
As we celebrate Christmas, we celebrate Jesus coming to provide our salvation and we rejoice in the fact that God is with us, and we are never alone. Watch as Brian Pursley shares this hope from Matthew 1.
So many people struggle with anxiety and depression. Our emotions and thoughts will betray us and turn us away from who God says that He is. Join us as Derek takes us through Psalm 42, tells us how we can overcome negative emotions with the power of scripture, and why having community helps us with our struggles.
The church has tried to “go out from their midst, and be separate from them”, to create a safe place or a safe harbor. But is that where Jesus wants us to stay? Join us as Gordie Krogh teaches us what it means to be Christians in this world proclaiming the good news of Jesus.
God’s attributes are inexhaustible. One of the greatest ways those attributes are displayed is through Him as our Heavenly Father. Watch as Derek Flowers teaches us how our parenting can reflect that of the Father.
We have heard from many different sources that God should be the number one priority in our life. Watch as Gordie Krogh leads us through a look at what Jesus had to say about our relationship with him.
The greatest comeback in history offers hope, forgiveness, and love. Watch as Brian Pursley shares how a plea and a prayer can change everything.
Watch as Brian Pursley leads us in looking back at the sacrifice of Jesus and the prophecy that preceded it.
In a world that's unfair, we celebrate the unfairness of the cross which enables the grace we desperately need but don't deserve. Watch as Brian Pursley discusses Luke 23 and 24 and why the resurrection of Jesus guarantees our hope and salvation to all who ask for it.
We all have a unique story to tell. As followers of Jesus our lives have been transformed. Watch as Gordie Krogh teaches us about the importance and specifics of sharing our testimony.
We live in a world in which actual truth is clouded and constantly skewed. Watch guest speaker Gordie Krogh as he talks about the difference in truths that are relative, truths that are absolute, and how the word of God will always be true.
Messages in this group were presented independently from other message series.